Issue with AdminLite 2.4.0 data table functionality malfunctioning

Check out this template that I'm using. I've copied all the contents for the bower_components and dist folders, and made sure to link and require everything properly. There are no 404 errors, only status code 200. Here is a snippet of my code:

<div class="box">
  <div class="box-header">
    <h3 class="box-title">Data Table With Full Features</h3>
  <!-- /.box-header -->
  <div class="box-body">
    <table id="example1" class="table table-bordered table-striped">
          <th>Rendering engine</th>
          <th>Engine version</th>
          <th>CSS grade</th>
          <td>Internet Explorer 4.0
          <td>Win 95+</td>
          <td> 4</td>
          <td>Internet Explorer 5.0
          <td>Win 95+</td>
          <td>Internet Explorer 5.5
          <td>Win 95+</td>
          <td>Other browsers</td>
          <td>All others</td>
          <th>Rendering engine</th>
          <th>Engine version</th>
          <th>CSS grade</th>
  <!-- /.box-body -->

The table displays correctly, but none of the search, show X entries, or pagination features are working. It seems like I have copied the Hover Data Table instead of the Data Table With Full Features as intended. I also included a small script near the bottom of the page at lines 1631-1643:

$(function () {
   'paging'      : true,
   'lengthChange': false,
   'searching'   : false,
   'ordering'    : true,
   'info'        : true,
   'autoWidth'   : false

I have tried rearranging the files...

Apologies for the messy code formatting, but it should still convey the necessary information.

Answer №1

Within your code, you specified "searching" as false

Consider using "true" instead

$(function () {
   'paging'      : true,
   'lengthChange': false,
   'searching'   : true, // try changing this value
   'ordering'    : true,
   'info'        : true,
   'autoWidth'   : false

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