If you visit , you'll notice that it's a visually appealing site. The navigation submenus seem to be functioning properly, HOWEVER upon inspecting the element, you'll notice that under the PRICING tab, there are submenus that have the same calling actions as others but do not appear. Specifically, under div#Price_links you can find them alongside Wash links, About Links etc., all using this JS:
function showDD(id) {
var element = id + "_links";
document.getElementById(element).style.display = "block";
function hideDD(id) {
var element = id + "_links";
document.getElementById(element).style.display = "none";
Why aren't the links under pricing being shown?
they follow the same setup for calling as the other visible submenus. I've been trying to solve this mystery for some time now with no luck. Any suggestions? anyone?