Is there an alternative to using CSS units of measurement when using the .css() method?

Is there a way to use .scrollTop() and .css() to adjust the margins of an element so that it floats up only when the page is scrolled, but stops at a certain margin value? I want the element to float between specific values while scrolling.

The issue I am facing is with the units. When using vh in my CSS, neither percentages nor pixels seem to work. What alternative unit or method can be used to achieve this effect?

$(document).ready(function () {

   var floater = $('#BLOCS_s1-img5');

   $(window).scroll(function(e) {
    if ( 
         ( $(document).scrollTop() > 50 && $(document).scrollTop() < 350 ) && 
         ( floater.css('margin-top') >= -35vh )
       ) { 



<div class='BLOCS_projSample'>
    <img id='BLOCS_s1-img4' src='images/Blocs2_logo.jpg'/>
    <img id='BLOCS_s1-img5' src='images/Blocs_pp_singleMonth.jpg'/>
    <img id='BLOCS_s1-img1' src='images/Blocs_pp_hpStack.jpg'/>
    <img id='BLOCS_s1-img2' src='images/Blocs_pp_hp.jpg'/>
    <img id='BLOCS_s1-img3' src='images/Blocs1_home.jpg'/>


#BLOCS_s1-img5 {
    width: 16vw;
    position: relative;
    margin: -17vh 0 0 30vw;

Answer №1

When working with jQuery, the code

floater.css('margin-top') >= -35vh
may not function as expected because

1. As mentioned earlier, using vh in jQuery is not supported, and instead you should utilize $(window).height(). This method gives you the full window height equivalent to 100vh in CSS. Therefore, to achieve a value of -35vh, you need to calculate -(35 * $( window ).height())/100, which equals -35vh.

2. The result of floater.css('margin-top') is in pixels (px), whereas our comparison value is in a unit-less format like -(35 * $( window ).height())/100. Since they have different units, they cannot be directly compared. In such cases, it's necessary to convert the value of floater.css('margin-top') into an integer using parseInt.

$(document).ready(function () {

    var floater = $('#BLOCS_s1-img5');
    var maxVH =  -(35 * $( window ).height())/100;
    floater.css('margin-top', -(17 * $( window ).height())/100);

    $(window).scroll(function(e) {

        if ( 
            ( $(document).scrollTop() > 50 && $(document).scrollTop() < 350 ) && 
            ( parseInt(floater.css('margin-top')) >= maxVH )
        ) { 

#BLOCS_s1-img5 {
    width: 16vw;
    position: relative;
    margin-left: 30vw;
<script src=""></script>

<div class='BLOCS_projSample'>
    <img id='BLOCS_s1-img4' src=''/>
    <img id='BLOCS_s1-img5' src=''/>
    <img id='BLOCS_s1-img1' src=''/>
    <img id='BLOCS_s1-img2' src=''/>
    <img id='BLOCS_s1-img3' src=''/>

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