Is there a way to verify the location of an element?

Currently, I am attempting to monitor the position of the 'car'. When the car reaches a top offset of 200px, I would like to apply a specific property to the 'phone' element. The concept is that as you scroll down, the car will move, and when it aligns with the phone, the phone should flash.

I have implemented an If statement, but there seems to be an issue that I'm unable to pinpoint. Can someone assist me with this?

$(window).scroll(function () { 
    // You've scrolled this much:
  var newSize = $(window).scrollTop()/20;
  var srotate = "translateY(" + newSize + "px)";
  $('.car').css({top:newSize,"-moz-transform" : srotate, "-webkit-transform" : srotate});
  if($('.car').css('top') == '195px') {
      $('.phone').css('box-shadow', '1px', '1px', '17px', '4px', '#42ab9e');
.he {
  overflow-x: hidden;  
.car img {
      width: 40px;
.phone {
  position: absolute;
  top: 1950px;
  padding-right: 6px;
.phone img {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="he container"></div>
<div class="car">
   <img src="" alt="car">
<div class="phone">
  <img src="" alt="">

Answer №1

If you're looking to pinpoint the exact location of an element, HTML 5 Canvas is your go-to solution. By leveraging Kinetic-js, not only can you easily draw objects on canvas, but you can also retrieve the coordinates when those objects are dragged around. The beauty of using Kinetic js lies in its ability to provide accurate coordinates, giving you the freedom to implement any desired functionality with ease. I trust this information proves useful to you.

Answer №2

To fix your issue, you can easily determine the car's distance from the top of the screen. (Additionally, your jquery code for adding css seems to be faulty)

if($('.car').offset().top >= 195) {
    $('.phone').css('box-shadow', '1px 1px 17px 4px #42ab9e');

Subsequently, you can utilize this method to apply a class to your phone or any other element. Checking the top position of the car component may not provide accurate results. It is recommended to check its offset from the top of the screen in pixels, since the output will be a float value. Additionally, ensure that you compare if the car's position is equal to or higher than the specified threshold, as only checking for equality might lead to unexpected behavior.

Feel free to explore the console in the modified example and observe the outcomes:

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