Is there a way to utilize jQuery to navigate through multiple DIVs within a slide bar?

As a beginner in jQuery, I am facing the challenge of placing more than one div in a single slide bar. Specifically, I am developing an auction site and I need a DIV that can display multiple items within the same div, accompanied by "Next" and "Previous" button arrows.

For instance:

Imagine when you visit an auction site, a slide-bar appears showcasing various items (multiple DIVs). This slide-bar should feature text such as "newly arrived item or recommended for you etc."

To give you a visual idea, here's a screenshot of what I have in mind:

I'm wondering if there is a way to implement this using jQuery. I am relatively new to jQuery and find myself stuck on this issue. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you're unable to build your own solution, consider exploring jQuery plugins such as Smooth DIV Scroll that allow content to scroll horizontally left or right.

Websites like offer a plethora of options for jQuery plugins, including horizontal scrollers like Any List Scroller – jQuery Plugin To Scroll Lists.

There are numerous similar plugins available online, so take the time to find the one that best suits your website. When in doubt, simply search for “jquery div scroller” on your preferred search engine.

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