Is there a way to switch between different ag-grid themes using SCSS when loading them?

I have attempted to include the following code in my main.scss file:

@import '~ag-grid-community/src/styles/ag-grid';
@import '~ag-grid-community/src/styles/ag-theme-balham/sass/ag-theme-balham';
@import '~ag-grid-community/src/styles/ag-theme-balham-dark/sass/ag-theme-balham-dark';

My intention is to conditionally apply either ag-theme-balham or ag-theme-balham-dark to the div containing ag-grid.

However, when both themes are loaded through SCSS, it appears that one overrides the other due to them building on some common theme files with variables. As a result, my grid ends up being light even though I can see in the Chrome inspector that the surrounding div has the class "ag-theme-balham-dark", despite being imported last.

If I remove the import of the light theme first, I am able to achieve a dark grid successfully.

Switching to ag-grid's CSS rather than SCSS does work, but the whole purpose of using SCSS was to be able to override certain theme variables.

Answer №1

In order to address this issue, I opted not to utilize their pre-made themes and instead created custom themes from scratch. The process of creating these custom themes is straightforward, as you can leverage the default variables as a foundation.

@import '~ag-grid-community/src/styles/ag-grid';
@import '~ag-grid-community/src/styles/ag-theme-balham/vars/ag-theme-balham-vars';
@import '~ag-grid-community/src/styles/ag-theme-balham/sass/ag-theme-balham-common';

.ag-theme-balham {
  // $ag-params contains all values for the light theme
  @include ag-theme-balham($ag-params);

.ag-theme-balham-dark {
  $background: #2d3436;
  $foreground: #F5F5F5;

   // override the default params with the dark values
  $dark-params: map-merge($ag-params, (
      background-color: $background,
      foreground-color: $foreground,
      secondary-foreground-color: $foreground,
      odd-row-background-color: darken($background, 3),
      header-background-color: darken(#636e72, 30),
      header-foreground-color: $foreground,
      header-cell-hover-background-color: lighten($background, 5),
      header-cell-moving-background-color: lighten($background, 5),
      border-color: #424242,
      hover-color: lighten($background, 7)

    @include ag-theme-balham($dark-params);

Depending on your usage of features in ag-grid, you may need to override additional $ag-params values. For this example, only the necessary overrides were implemented.

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