Is there a way to stop the MUI Select component's width from increasing when I choose multiple options?

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I have implemented the MUI Select component with various props to enable multiple options selection without a fixed width constraint. Using a grid layout, I have evenly divided the width among all child components by assigning each a fraction value of 1fr.

<Grid container>
        <Grid xs item>
          Filter By Site
        <Grid xs item>
          Filter By Group
        <Grid xs item>
          Filter By Cams
        <Grid item xs>
            <InputLabel id="demo-multiple-name-label">Name</InputLabel>
              input={<OutlinedInput label="Name" />}
              { => (
                  style={getStyles(name, personName, theme)}

One issue I am facing is that the Input element keeps expanding when selecting multiple options. How can I ensure it remains the same width as its sibling elements?

Answer №1

Instead of using the Select component, you can opt to incorporate the fullWidth prop within a TextField component and set it to false.

Consider implementing something similar to the following:

  hintText="Full name"
  fullWidth={false} // by setting fullWidth to false, expansion is prevented

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