Is there a way to set cellpadding and cellspacing for a table in

I am looking to set the table attributes for width, height, cellpadding, cellspacing, and valign in asp.Net, but I have not been able to locate these tags. They are available in PHP Dreamweaver. Can someone guide me on how to set these attributes for a table in asp.Net using Visual Studio 2012?

<table width = "1332" height = "231" border = "1">
<td colspan = "2" rowspan = "2">Region</td>
<td height = "21" colspan = "3">Grand Total</td>
... (Table data continued)

The attributes for height, width, and valign="top" are also missing from Visual Studio.

Answer №1

If you prefer to code it using only HTML, the process is as follows:

<table cellspacing="10px" cellpadding="10px" style = "height = 200px;width:200px;"> 

Note: The attributes cellspacing and cellpadding are considered obsolete in HTML5. However, they may still work if you decide to test them out (although your editor might show a warning message, such as in Eclipse IDE). Additionally, including inline CSS styling within your HTML tags can be messy and challenging to maintain when making updates to your page layout.

Alternatively, you can achieve the same result using CSS:

    table { border-spacing: 5px; /* simulates cellspacing */
      width : 200px;
      height: 200px;   

    th, td { padding: 5px; } /* simulates cellpadding */

Answer №2

To enhance the style of your table within Visual Studio, create a new class and then apply it using CSS as shown below. Let's say we name the class mycuststyle.

table.mycuststyle td, table.mycuststyle th

Answer №3

        <title>Cell Spacing and Padding Example</title>
        <table border="border">
                 <th colspan="2">Food Choices</th>
                    <table border="border">
                            <th> </th>
                            <td>$10 </td>
                    <table border="border">

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