Is there a way to send the image object to the onclick function as it is being assigned?

I apologize if my question is a bit unclear, as I am currently teaching myself how to use javascript. I am working on generating image thumbnails dynamically and would like the ability for users to enlarge the image when they click on the thumbnails. The piece of code I have written to create the image tag and assign the onclick function looks something like this...

var imageTag = "<img onclick=\"enlargeImage()\" class=\"thumb\" src=\"" + photoURL + "\" />"; 
document.getElementById("image-thumbnail").innerHTML = imageTag;

Using the above code, I can display the thumbnail and call the enlargeImage() function when it's clicked. My main query is, how do I access the specific image object that was clicked within the enlargeImage() function? Initially, I tried accessing the this object inside the function, assuming it would refer to the clicked image, but unfortunately, this represented the entire page rather than the image itself. I aim to be able to utilize and modify attributes like the src attribute and style properties of the image thumbnail. Additionally, please note that as I progress, there will be multiple images involved, necessitating these dynamic functionalities.

Thank you so much in advance for any assistance provided!

Answer №1

One way to achieve this is by simply incorporating a parameter into the increaseSize() function and providing it with a this reference during invocation.

var pictureTag = "<img onclick=\"increaseSize(this)\" class=\"thumbnail\" src=\"" + imageURL + "\" />";

Subsequently, within the function...

function increaseSize(pic) {

Answer №2

One option to explore is utilizing jQuery as it provides numerous wrappers and handlers designed for handling this type of task and has been gaining traction recently.

To address your specific inquiry, you can easily pass "this" to your function:

var imageTag = "<img onclick=\"expandImage(this)\" class=\"thumbnail\" src=\"" + pictureLink + "\" />";

By doing so, in your function, you will be able to access the source tag:

function expandImage(image){

Answer №3

function zoomImage(image)
    var source = image.src;

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