Is there a way to reverse the animation playback in Angular?

I am working on an animation that involves a box fading from its original color to yellow. However, I would like to achieve the opposite effect: when the page loads, I want the box to start off as yellow and then fade back to its original color. The challenge is that the original color is dynamic, so I cannot simply hardcode the reverse animation.

Below is the code for the animation trigger:

animations: [
    trigger('highlight', [
        state('true', style({
            'background-color': '#edf514'
        transition('* => true',

Answer №1

When working with animations in Angular, you can utilize the wildcard symbol "*". For example, you can use :enter to trigger animation on element load.

animations: [
    trigger("fadeAnimation", [
        transition(":enter", [
            style({ 'background-color': 'yellow' }), // Start animation with yellow background
            animate("5000ms", style({ 'background-color': '*' })) // Transition to original background color
        transition("*=>true", [
            style({ 'background-color': 'yellow' }),
            animate("2000ms", style({ 'background-color': '*' }))

In your .html file:

<span id="word-carousel"
    [@fadeAnimation]="toogle"  (@fadeAnimation.done)="toogle=false">hello</span>
<button [disabled]="toogle" (click)="toogle=true">click</button>

Check out the StackBlitz demo for more details.

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