Is there a way to retrieve the ID from CSS in Javascript without using getElementByID?

I'm facing an issue with CSS and JavaScript that I need help with.

On my webpage, I have several DIVs with unique IDs fetched from a MySQL database. The goal is to make a specific DIV disappear when a user clicks on it. Since everything is dynamic, I've passed the ID as a variable to the function. However, I'm struggling to understand how to correctly use this ID in order to achieve the desired outcome. I am looking for an alternative to document.getElementById().


function flashout(the_unique_id){
document.getElementByID(???).style.display = "";


<div id="394" onclick="flashout(394)">...</div>
<div id="723" onclick="flashout(723)">...</div>

Answer №1

Although the ID is available for use, it is not required to utilize it. Simply include this as a parameter:

<div id="394" onclick="hideElement(this)">...</div>
<div id="723" onclick="hideElement(this)">...</div>

Then, treat that parameter as the element itself instead of using it as a string ID:

function hideElement(div_element){ = "none";

Additionally, if you want the DIV to disappear, make sure to set style.display to "none", not "".

Answer №2

It appears that I have a clear understanding of your requirements.

When defining a function and its parameters in JavaScript, the parameter can be treated like a variable within the function definition. Give this a try


<div id="394" onclick="flashout(394)">...</div>
<div id="723" onclick="flashout(723)">...</div>


function flashout(unique_id){
  document.getElementByID(unique_id).style.display = "";

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