I'm having trouble rearranging the layout of my webpage. Currently, my sidebar element appears below the main content on mobile devices, but I would like it to show above the main content instead. I have utilized flexbox for most of my design, separating the main content into one box and the sidebar into another. On large screens, the sidebar correctly sits on the right side. Is there a way to achieve the desired layout change on mobile devices while keeping the desktop version intact? Any assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.
To provide a better understanding of the situation, I have uploaded the code for the wrapper, main content, and sidebar on CodePen: https://codepen.io/Pinchofginger/pen/WddJQW?editors=1100
For reference, you can also view an image of the current layout here: https://i.sstatic.net/RUvtQ.jpg
Below is a snippet of my HTML and CSS code:
Insert your HTML code here.
Insert your CSS code here.