Is there a way to reference a different CSS class within another class?

Currently, I am working on creating a navbar using React. In this navbar, I have three components for the menu bar: text, logo, and buttons. The background color of the navbar is set to transparent, while the components are black by default. However, when hovering over the components, their background turns white along with the navbar. The issue I am facing is that I have used three separate files for each component, but I want the component colors to change only when the navbar is hovered over, not individually. How can I achieve this? Is there a way to target the class names of the components within the Navbar hover class?

Answer №1

If we have a navbar element named emergency-menu-page, we can easily change the background of all elements like div, span, p (and more) inside it using the :hover selector. To ensure our styles override any existing ones, I include the !important property. Depending on your existing style setup, you may or may not need to use !important.

  div, span, p{
  background-color: red !important;

Answer №2

When the component is positioned outside of the navbar, simply applying SCSS or CSS won't help you achieve your desired outcome.

Instead, I recommend utilizing jQuery or JavaScript to assign a particular class to the component upon hovering over the navbar.

This designated class can then be incorporated into your CSS/SCSS files to enable the hover effect on your component.

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