Is there a way to randomly change the colors of divs for a variable amount of time?

I have a unique idea for creating a dynamic four-square box that changes colors at random every time a button is clicked. The twist is, I want the colors to cycle randomly for up to 5 seconds before 3 out of 4 squares turn black and one square stops on a random color.

While browsing online, I came across this interesting jsfiddle snippet, which is almost what I'm looking for but lacks the timed element. I tried incorporating setInterval into the code but couldn't quite get it working. Here's the script from the jsfiddle:


    <div onclick="change_color(2)" id="div_color_2" class="ne change_color" style="background-color: rgb(94, 198, 49);">

   <!-- Random me button that selects a random color for each square -->
    <input id="question" type="button" onclick="colorfy_me()" value="Random me">

    <!-- the squares -->
    <p id="square1">Square 1</p>



var myColors = [
    '#7F8C8D', '#95A5A6', '#BDC3C7', '#003946', '#BDC3C7',

// Function to apply random colors to the squares
colorfy_me = function() {
    var colors = myColors.slice(0)

    $('div.change_color').each(function() {
         // Pick a random color not in use.
         var color = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length);
         $(this).css('background-color', colors[color]);
         $(this).html( colors[color] )
         colors = colors.slice(0,color-1).concat( colors.slice(color+1,colors.length-1) )


    $.each(colors, function(i, v){
        $('#div_color_' + (+i + 1)).html(colors[i])


[CSS styles here]

If anyone has a solution or any ideas on how to add timing functionality to this project, I would appreciate your input. Thank you!

Answer №1

While it may not be the most sophisticated approach, feel free to try this out.

Keep in mind the following steps to get started:

<button id="clickMe" type="button" class="btn" onclick="modifyPage()">Click here</button>

modifyPage = function() {
  // ...
  setInterval(updateContent, randomInt(1, 5));

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