Is there a way to modify the color of ASCII art letters within HTML's <pre> tags?

For this illustration, I aim to transform the letter "y" into a shade of blue.

Yb,_    88            
 `""    88            
        88  gg     gg 
        88  I8     8I 
  gg,   88  I8,   ,8I 
   "Yb,,8P ,d8b, ,d8I 
     "Y8P' P""Y88P"888
              ,8"  8I 
              I8   8I 
              `8, ,8I 

Answer №1

If you're searching for a solution, try this out:

.y-text {
  color: blue;
  position: absolute;
  top: 82px;
  left: 80px;
Yb,_    88            
 `""    88            
  gg,   88  
<pre class="y-text">
  gg     gg 
  I8     8I 
  I8,   ,8I 
 ,d8b, ,d8I 
    ,8"  8I 
    I8   8I 
    `8, ,8I 

Simply separate the two letters and place them each in their own <pre> tag. Then, rearrange the letters using absolute positioning.

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