Is there a way to make the text on my Bootstrap carousel come alive with animation effects?

My website features a Bootstrap Carousel with three elements structured like this:

<a><img data-src="img" alt="Third slide" src="img">
         <div class="carousel-caption">             
  <ul id="columncarro4" type="circle" style="">



I have implemented some JavaScript code to adjust the position of the text as desired:




The challenge I face is ensuring that the animation for each slide starts when the corresponding carousel slide appears. Currently, all three animations begin at the start of the webpage and do not sync with the respective slides.

Answer №1



To ensure the animation starts when the document is fully loaded, you can use the code above. However, if you want the animation to trigger after a specific event, such as a click on a carousel, you need to modify the code accordingly:



Answer №2

Utilize SetInterval()


Consider implementing something along these lines:

    var interval;
    function animate() {
        $('#columncarro4').animate({'margin-left':'-3%'}, 500)
        .animate({'margin-left':'-255px'}, 'slow');
    function start() {
        interval = setInterval(animate, 5000);
    $('#columncarro4').click( function() {

Alternatively, if there is an event triggered when the carousel changes, you can bind to that.

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