Is there a way to initiate a jquery function upon loading the page, while ensuring its continued user interaction?

On my webpage, there is a JavaScript function using jQuery that I want to automatically start when the page loads. At the same time, I want to ensure that users can still interact with this function. This particular function involves selecting a link that will hide and fadeIn a new div. My goal is to have this process happen automatically as well.

$(document).ready(function() {
        $('#tablecell1').click((function () {
            var last_image = null;
            return function () {
                if (last_image) {
                    $('#tablecell1 .selected').attr('src', last_image).removeClass('selected');
                var $clicked_image = $('img', this);
                last_image = $clicked_image.attr('src');
                $clicked_image.attr('src', 'NewsBarAZ/Article-Nav-Bar2_01.gif').addClass('selected');

    // Other similar code snippets omitted for brevity


      // Links functionalities

      // More link functionalities ...


Answer №1

Utilize .trigger() to initiate events programmatically

For example:


Answer №2

Assign a name to the function and then use it with arguments as needed.

function showHideElement(elementToShow, elementToHide) {

$(function() { //Personal Preference Instead of $(document).ready(function() {

  showHideElement($('#item1'), $('#item2'));
  //Executes when the page loads

  $('#item1').on('click', function() { 
    showHideElement($(this), $('#item2'));
    //Executes when #item1 is clicked

Answer №3

While I haven't made any changes to the inner workings of the functions you provided, it might be worth considering using classes instead of IDs for better organization and flexibility.

// On document ready
    tableClick("1", {"2", "3", "4", "5"});
    tableClick("2", {"1", "3", "4", "5"});
    tableClick("3", {"1", "2", "4", "5"});
    tableClick("4", {"1", "2", "3", "5"});
    tableClick("5", {"1", "2", "3", "4"});


    linkClick("1", {"1", "2", "3", "4"});
    linkClick("2", {"0", "2", "3", "4"});
    linkClick("3", {"0", "1", "3", "4"});
    linkClick("4", {"0", "1", "2", "4"});
    linkClick("5", {"0", "1", "2", "3"});

// tableClick function
var tableClick = function(el, order){
    $("#tablecell" + el).click(function(){
        var last_image = null;

        return function () {
            if (last_image) {
                $(this).find(".selected").attr("src", last_image).removeClass("selected");

            var $clicked_image = $("img", this);
            last_image = $clicked_image.attr("src");
            $clicked_image.attr("src", "NewsBarAZ/Article-Nav-Bar2_0" + el +".gif").addClass("selected");
            for (var i = 1; i <= order.length; i++ ){
                $("#img" + order[i]).attr("src","NewsBarAZ/Article-Nav-Bar1_0" + order[i] + ".gif");

// linkClick function
var linkClick = function(el, hideElements){
    $("#link_" + el).click(function(){
        // hide elements based on array
        for (var i = 0; i < hideElements.length; i++){      
            if (hideElements[i] == "0") $("#latest_story_main").hide();
            else $("#latest_story_preview" + hideElements[i]).hide();

        // show active element
        var active = parseInt(el) - 1;

        if (active == 0) active = "main";
        else active = "preview" + active;

        $("#latest_story_" + active).fadeIn(800);

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