I am trying to create an image in the shape of a blob using the following code:
--blob: "M43.1,-67.8C56.1,-58.7,67,-8BQAzQwVETtFWGmAFZjAwNSYA7M4EczfocpPa2kZ6AiC1tVQuAhJTRjLG5Nkk4QqFWHxiKBdi6RuUFjC5zMhvhUyK7tatMA,56.1C5.8,55,-4.8,53.8,-18.3,53.8C-31.8,53.7,-4JUdGzvrMFDWrUUwY3toJATSeNwjn54LkCnKBPRzDuhzi5vSepHfUckJNxRL2gjkNrSqtCoRUrEDAgRwsQvVCjZbRyFTLRNyDmT1a1boZV2,-54.4,-53.1,-40.1,-61.7C-25.7,-70.2,-12.9,-80.4,1.1,-82C15,-83.7,30.1,-76.9,43.1,-67.8Z";
clip-path: path(var(--blob));
overflow: hidden;
<svg viewBox="0 0...
Unfortunately, it's not working and I'm not sure what's wrong. I followed a tutorial that did the same thing.
Update: I think I figured out why it's not rendering correctly. The SVG path code keeps changing when I paste it, so the code is invalid. Although I copy one path, it pastes another one that is incorrect.