Is there a way to illuminate a complete row by simply hovering over a span within one of the columns?

If I want to change the background-color of a div with classes "row" and "highlightThisRow" when hovering over a span with the class "fromThisSpan", how can I achieve that?

In a list, there are multiple rows with several columns. The span in question is located in the last column and has a hover effect defined in the CSS.

Although I managed to get the desired outcome for the first row by using IDs instead of classes for the div and span, I am struggling to apply the same effect to all rows.

Below are some unsuccessful attempts at achieving this using jQuery:

This code snippet represents the structure I am working with and does not include functioning code, only an outline:

    @foreach(ItemType item in ItemCollection)
        <div class="row highlightThisRow">
            <div class="col-md-4">
                ... item.contents1
            <div class="col-md-4">
                ... item.contents2
            <div class="col-md-4">
                ... item.contents3
                <span class="fromThisSpan"><a href="*" title="Delete this row">Delete</a></span>

Here is one failed attempt using the .on() method to attach the hover event:

$(".fromThisSpan").on("hover", $(".fromThisSpan").hover(
        (new function () {
            $(".highlightThisRow").css("background-color", "#fce2e2");
        (new function () {
            $(".highlightThisRow").css("background-color", "#ffffff");

I also tried another approach based on a suggestion from Stack Overflow, but it didn't work either:

Source: Adding hover CSS attributes via jQuery/Javascript

$(".fromThisSpan").mouseenter(function () {
    $(".highlightThisRow").css("background-color", "#fce2e2");
}).mouseleave(function () {
    $(".highlightThisRow").css("background-color", "#ffffff");

[ UPDATE ] Solved After experimenting further, I found a solution that worked in my scenario:

$(".fromThisSpan").hover(function () {
    $(this).closest(".highlightThisRow").css("background-color", "#fce2e2");
}, function () {
    $(this).closest(".highlightThisRow").css("background-color", "#ffffff");

Answer №1

Utilize the closest method to obtain the corresponding highlightThisRow element of the selected element.

    $(".fromThisSpan").mouseenter(function () {
        $(this).closest(".highlightThisRow").css("background-color", "#fce2e2");
    }).mouseleave(function () {
        $(this).closest(".highlightThisRow").css("background-color", "#ffffff");


    $("body").on('hover','.fromThisSpan',function () {
            $(this).closest(".highlightThisRow").css("background-color", "#fce2e2");
        },function () {
            $(this).closest(".highlightThisRow").css("background-color", "#ffffff");

Check out the demo:

Answer №2

attempt (this).parent

$("#fromThisSpan").on("hover", $("#fromThisSpan").hover(
        (new function () {
            $(this).parent("#highlightThisRow").css("background-color", "#fce2e2");
        (new function () {
            $(this).parent("#highlightThisRow").css("background-color", "#ffffff");

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