Is there a way to ensure that spans are inline with a div?

My structure is pretty straightforward:


However, I'm looking to have them all appear on a single line. Currently, they are rendering like this:

<div />
<span /><span />

It's essential for the first element to be a div in my case; it serves as a bar in a bar chart (with rounded corners, width controlled by jQuery, no content, and a solid color inside). The next span represents the value of the bar, while the last span shows what the value corresponds to.

So ideally, I'd like to see:

[____________] 25% ObjectA
[________________________] 50% ObjectB
[______] 12.5% ObjectC
[______] 12.5% ObjectD

Instead of:

25% ObjectA
50% ObjectB
12.5% ObjectC
12.5% ObjectD

Answer №1

To transform the div into an inline element instead of occupying the entire line, apply the CSS property display: inline-block.


It is vital to follow @Mr_Green's advice of employing the after pseudo-element to ensure each line is properly cleared and prevent any layout disruptions.

Answer №2

Although Dylan's suggestion may solve the issue, there is a possibility that if one of the divs has a very small width, the next div will align with it. You can check out this example. My recommendation is to utilize the :after pseudo element with display: block. This pseudo element should be added to the last span in each bar section.

div {
    /* Consider these values as an example */
    width: 100px;
    height: 50px;
    background-color: red;
    display: inline-block;
div+span+span:after {  /* Pseudo element for the last span */
    display: block;

See Working Fiddle

Answer №3

Modify your span by including the CSS style:

white-space: nowrap;

Answer №4

To address the default behavior of <div> elements, where they occupy the full width due to display: block, you can adjust this by setting it to display: inline-block. Additionally, you may have to manually create line breaks using <br>, or implement a clever solution with the final <span> to utilize the remaining space.

As an alternative approach, consider enclosing each row within another block-level element (e.g., an additional <div>) to establish distinct rows.

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