Is there a way to eliminate the horizontal line in my Table design?

Is there a way to eliminate the horizontal line from the table?

css, html

<table border="1" style="width:100%; border-collapse: collapse">

                <th>Prepared By:</th>
                <th>Released By:</th>
                <th>Trucker's Acknowledgement</th>
                <td><font size="1">/*auto populated*/</font></td>
                <td><font size="1">/*auto populated*/</font></td>
                <td><font size="1">Driver : ______________                Helper: ______________ </font></td>
                <td><font size="1">Signature/Date</font></td>
                <td><font size="1">Contact Nos. : ______________</font></td>

I am looking to only hide the horizontal line in the table

Answer №1

It is advisable not to apply Global th or td CSS as it will affect all tables th/td. Instead, create a custom class like table-no-bottom-border for the table and apply CSS specifically for removing the bottom border only for that table. The necessary updates are provided in the below code snippet. I trust this solution will be beneficial for you. Thank you

.table-no-bottom-border {
  border: 1px solid #000;
  border-radius: 5px;
  overflow: hidden;

.table-no-bottom-border th,
.table-no-bottom-border td {
  border-top: 0;
  border-bottom: 0;
  border-right: 1px solid #000;

.table-no-bottom-border th:last-child,
.table-no-bottom-border td:last-child {
  border-right: 0;
<table class="table-no-bottom-border" cellspacing="0">
      <th>Prepared By:</th>
      <th>Released By:</th>
      <th>Trucker's Acknowledgement</th>
      <td><font size="1">/*auto populated*/</font></td>
      <td><font size="1">/*auto populated*/</font></td>
      <td><font size="1">Driver : ______________                Helper: ______________ </font></td>
      <td><font size="1">Signature/Date</font></td>
      <td><font size="1">Signature/Date</font></td>
      <td><font size="1">Contact Nos. : ______________</font></td>

Answer №2

Essentially, the horizontal lines represent the border-bottom css property. By setting it to 0, you can eliminate the horizontal lines.


Assign a specific class to the table so that only tables with this class will be affected.

Here is a suggested solution:

.table-modify tr {
  border-bottom: 0;
<table class="table-modify" border="1" style="width:100%; border-collapse: collapse">

    <th>Prepared By:</th>
    <th>Released By:</th>
    <th>Trucker's Acknowledgement</th>
      <font size="1">/*auto populated*/</font>
      <font size="1">/*auto populated*/</font>
      <font size="1">Driver : ______________ Helper: ______________ </font>
      <font size="1">Signature/Date</font>
      <font size="1">Signature/Date</font>
      <font size="1">Contact Nos. : ______________</font>

Answer №3

To remove the horizontal border from all table td elements, simply apply the CSS properties `border-top: none;` and `border-bottom: none;`. If you also want to remove the horizontal line from table th (table header), just add `border-bottom: none;` to the th element.

th {
  border-bottom: none;

Alternatively, if you only want to style the table td elements, use the following CSS:

 td {
      border-top: none;
      border-bottom: none;
<table border="1" style="width:100%; border-collapse: collapse">
                <th>Prepared By:</th>
                <th>Released By:</th>
                <th>Trucker's Acknowledgement</th>
                <td><font size="1">/*auto populated*/</font></td>
                <td><font size="1">/*auto populated*/</font></td>
                <td><font size="1">Driver : ______________                Helper: ______________ </font></td>
                <td><font size="1">Signature/Date</font></td>
                <td><font size="1">Signature/Date</font></td>
                <td><font size="1">Contact Nos. : ______________</font></td>

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