Is there a way to eliminate the empty page that appears when transitioning from index.html to contact.html in electron?

Whenever I click on a link, such as in index.html and then select "contact" to go to the external page contact.html, there is a noticeable delay in loading the second page. This delay leads to the creation of a blank page while contact.html is still loading. My current development environment is on a Raspberry Pi 3 running Ubuntu OS.

The issue I am facing is finding a way to eliminate the blank page that appears during the transition from index.html to contact.html within electron. Do you have any suggestions on how to solve this problem?

Answer №1

There are essentially two approaches you can take:

Approach 1: Enhance the performance of contact.html by implementing a preloader (a screen that displays while your content loads) and utilizing caching.

Approach 2: Utilize the BrowserWindow's ready-to-show event to display a separate BrowserWindow while the current one loading contact.html is in progress.

Code snippet for Approach 2:

function displayExternalPage(url) {
    let externalWindow = new BrowserWindow({
            width: 1280,
            minWidth: 640,
            height: 960,
            minHeight: 480,
            show: false // -> Will be shown upon content load (ready-to-show), meanwhile display the WaitingWindow
        waitingWindow = new BrowserWindow({
            width: 300,
            height: 200,
            transparent: true,
            frame: false,
            alwaysOnTop: true,
            show: false

        pathname: "PATH_TO_WAITING_HTML",
        protocol: 'file:',
        slashes: true

    // Display the waitingWindow before the external window is loaded;

    externalWindow.once('ready-to-show', () => {;

Answer №2

To achieve a similar color for the background of your web page, try adjusting the backgroundColor property within the settings of your browserWindow. Keep in mind that this setting can only be applied once when creating the browserWindow.

Customizing backgroundColor

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