Is there a way to dynamically determine the quantity of items that exceed the capacity of the parent container?

My current setup involves a container with draggable width and multiple children within it.

When the width of the container is adjusted, only a certain number of elements can fit. For example, if only 3 elements can fit due to a decrease in width, the expected outputs are (0), (1), and (+4) representing the number of elements that overflow +1.

In other scenarios, where only two elements can fit and 4 overflow, the expected output would be displayed as two circles with (0) and (+5).

While previous solutions often involve calculating the number of elements that can fit based on a fixed width, my dynamic case requires determining this dynamically. Can anyone provide guidance on achieving this using JavaScript and plain CSS?

Answer №1

let container = document.getElementById("container")
let count = Math.round(window.getComputedStyle(container).width / widthOFElement)

I believe this solution will be beneficial for you. In this scenario, the variable 'widthOFElement' represents the width of a circular element. You can easily incorporate this code snippet within your dragabble event listener.

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