Is there a way to dynamically change the height in jQuery/JavaScript?

I am encountering an issue with my embed code where the height changes randomly after a few seconds, depending on certain parameters. Here is an example of the code I am using:

$( <embed></embed>) .attr("src", "")
                    .attr('id', 'bbs_embed')
                    .attr('width', 1440)
                    .attr('height', 300)

After approximately 7 seconds, the height of the embed code changes to 1500px or more unpredictably. I am looking for a way to update its height dynamically from 300 to this new random height using Javascript / JQuery. How would I achieve this?

Answer №1

Give this a try.

When the document is fully loaded, add an embed element to the body of the page with specific attributes using jQuery.
$(document).ready(function() {
       var newElement = $( "<embed></embed>")
                .attr("src", "URL")
                .attr('id', 'bbs_embed')
                .css({ "width": "1440px", "max-height": "300px", "overflow-y" : "scroll", "border":"1px solid black"});


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