Is there a way to dynamically apply the "active" class to a Vue component when it is clicked?

Here is the structure of my Vue component:

Vue.component('list-category', {
  template: "#lc",
  props: ['data', 'category', 'search'],
  data() {
    return {
      open: false,
      categoryId: this.category
  mounted() {
    let isDataOpen = (d) => === this.categoryId || d.children && d.children.some(isDataOpen); = isDataOpen(;
  computed: {
    icon() {
      return {
        'fa-plus': !,
    isFolder() {
      return &&
    isShow() {
      return ? 'show' : 'hide'
  methods: {
    toggle() { = !
    filterByCategory(id) {
      this.categoryId = id

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data() {
    return {
      categories: [ /* category data here */],
      category: 7 // active category ID
.active {
  background: yellow;

/* CSS styles here */
.show {
  display: block !important;

.hide {
  display: none !important;
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

<div id="app">
  <div class="panel panel-default pd-search-filter">
    <div class="panel-heading">
      <h3 class="panel-title"><i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i> By Category</h3>
    <div class="panel-body">
      <ul class="filter-category" v-for="list in categories">
        <list-category :data="list" :category="category"></list-category>

If you want to see a demo and full code, check out this link:

In the demo, the category "Hazard" appears to be active. However, when clicking on the category "Morata," it does not become active as expected. How can I resolve this issue?


Answer №1

To update the category calculator, it is recommended to move it to a watcher (instead of using mount()) and emit/listen to events from child to parent in order to update the category and collapse the non-selected sub-tree.

You can find an updated JSFiddle demo here.

Here are the changes that need to be made:

  • Template:

    • Parent:

      • Change this:

        <div id="app">
                <list-category :data="list" :category="category"></list-category>
      • Add listening for the category event and update the category property in the parent component:

        <div id="app">
                <list-category :data="list" :category="category" @category="category = $event"></list-category>
    • Child:

      • Change this:

        <template id="lc">
                <list-category v-for="(data, index) in data.children" :key="index" :data="data" :search="search" :category="categoryId"></list-category>
      • Add listener for the category event and emit it to the parent component:

        <template id="lc">
                <list-category v-for="(data, index) in data.children" :key="index" :data="data" :search="search" :category="categoryId" @category="$emit('category', $event)"></list-category>
  • JavaScript (all within the child component):

    • Modify filterByCategory to emit the event instead of mutating the property:

      • From:

        filterByCategory(id) {
          this.categoryId = id
      • To:

        filterByCategory(id) {
          this.$emit('category', id);
    • Remove the mounted hook and add a watcher instead:

      • Remove mounted:

        mounted() {
          let isDataOpen = (d) => === this.categoryId || d.children && d.children.some(isDataOpen);
 = isDataOpen(;
      • Add a watcher to detect when the category changes in the parent component:

        watch: {
          category: {
            handler() {
              this.categoryId = this.category
              let isDataOpen = (d) => === this.categoryId || d.children && d.children.some(isDataOpen);
     = isDataOpen(;
            immediate: true

For a live demonstration, refer to the code snippet below:

Answer №2

It is not possible to directly manipulate the data of a parent element from a child component. To make changes to the parent's data, you must emit an event to the parent and then update the data accordingly.

Below is an example demonstrating how to utilize this.$emit. I had to modify the JSON data to prevent recursive calls to the same template, but this should provide you with insight on modifying the parent data element.

Vue.component('list-category', {
  template: "#lc",
  props: ['data', 'category', 'search'],
  data() {
    return {
      open: false,
      categoryId: this.category
  mounted() {
    let isDataOpen = (d) => === this.categoryId || d.children && d.children.some(isDataOpen); = isDataOpen(;
  computed: {
    icon() {
      return {
        'fa-plus': !,
    isFolder() {
      return &&
    isShow() {
      return ? 'show' : 'hide'
  methods: {
    toggle() { = !
    filterByCategory: function(id){
      this.$emit('update-active-category', id);
      console.log('Emitting: ' + id);

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data() {
return {
  categories: [/*Array of category objects*/],
    category: 7
  methods: {
    updateActiveCategory: function(id) {
    this.category = id;
/* CSS Styles */
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

<div id="app">/*HTML template structure*/</div>

<template id="lc">/*List category template definition*/</template>

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