Is there a way to divide text without including line breaks?

As I delve into SplitText, the GSAP plugin, a peculiar observation surfaces - it alters the;


tag within my element (uncomment the first line in javascript to witness the transformation). Take a look at this example:

The curiosity strikes me: Why does this modification occur and is there a way to restore the original state before applying SplitText? (How can I keep the line break intact?)

Your insights are greatly appreciated! Best regards, John

Answer №1

Divide your text into two distinct sections with unique identifiers and introduce them separately:

let sectionOne = new SplitText("#sectionOneID");
let sectionTwo = new SplitText("#sectionTwoID");

let timeline = new TimelineMax({});
timeline.staggerFrom(sectionOne.words, 1, { opacity: 0, x: 5, ease: Power1.easeOut}, 0.01)

timeline.staggerFrom(sectionTwo.words, 1, { opacity: 0, x: 5, ease: Power1.easeOut}, 0.01)

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