Is there a way to display the button solely when the cursor is hovering over the color?

When I hover over a particular color, I want the button to show up. However, instead of displaying the button only for that color, it appears for all the colors of the product. Also, the placement of the button on the left side means that if I try to hover to the left, the button disappears. The problem can be seen below:

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Answer №1

If you're looking for a simple solution, consider utilizing the :hover css selector.

  1. In your JavaScript file, add a class to your element

    <div className="color-choice" key={i}>
  2. Implement the :hover selector in your CSS file

    .color-choice:hover button { display: block; }

    .color-choice button { display: none; }

Answer №2

To achieve the desired effect, manipulating indexes of elements is crucial.

Rather than simply displaying content, it's necessary to determine the indexes of the element being hovered over:

const [displayIndex, setDisplayIndex] = useState({
  typeIndex: -1,
  colorIndex: -1

The event functions may be structured as follows:

const showButton = (typeIndex, colorIndex) => {
   // e.preventDefault();

const hideButton = () => {
   // e.preventDefault();
    typeIndex: -1,
     colorIndex: -1

In order to conditionally render the button based on the displayIndex:

   displayIndex.typeIndex === index 
   displayIndex.colorIndex === i 
   (<Button ....>Add</Button>)

If you implement these changes in your sandbox environment at, you may need to adjust some styling aspects.

I trust you will find this information valuable.

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