When examining Reddit's source code using developer tools, you'll come across a peculiar line:
console.log("\n ,d\"=≥,.,qOp,\n ,7' ''²$( )\n ,7' '?q$7'\n ..,$$,.\n ,. .,,--***²\"\"²***--,,. .,\n ² ,p²'' ''²q, ²\n: ,7' '7, :\n ' $ ,db, ,db, $ '\n '$ ²$$² ²$$² $' Using Reddit at work? Work for Reddit.\n '$ $' https://www.reddit.com/jobs\n '$. ., ,. .$'\n 'b, '²«»«»«»²' ,d'\n '²?bn,, ,,nd?²'\n ,7$ ''²²²²²²²²'' $7,\n ,² ²$ $² ²,\n $ :$ $: $\n $ $ $ $\n 'b q: :p d'\n '²«?$. .$?»²'\n 'b d'\n ,²²'?,. .,?'²²,\n ²==--≥²²==--==²²≤--==²\n")
This is simply a console.log()
statement. Feel free to test it out yourself by using the snippet below:
console.log("\n ,d\"=≥,.,qOp,\n ,7' ''²$( )\n ,7' '?q$7'\n ..,$$,.\n ,. .,,--***²\"\"²***--,,. .,\n ² ,p²'' ''²q, ²\n: ,7' '7, :\n ' $ ,db, ,db, $ '\n '$ ²$$² ²$$² $' Using Reddit at work? Work for Reddit.\n '$ $' https://www.reddit.com/jobs\n '$. ., ,. .$'\n 'b, '²«»«»«»²' ,d'\n '²?bn,, ,,nd?²'\n ,7$ ''²²²²²²²²'' $7,\n ,² ²$ $² ²,\n $ :$ $: $\n $ $ $ $\n 'b q: :p d'\n '²«?$. .$?»²'\n 'b d'\n ,²²'?,. .,?'²²,\n ²==--≥²²==--==²²≤--==²\n")
To add color to the browser's console output, use this code (not functional in a SO snippet, but works when copied into the browser console):
console.log('%c This is reversed! ', 'background: #ee11cc; color: #eee');
You can also locate the ad code within the source by conducting a search.