It's not a simple task, unfortunately. The effectiveness of scaling your CSS depends heavily on the structure and maintenance of your code.
There are various CSS guidelines that can assist you in overcoming this challenge.
One approach is to utilize namespaces. By utilizing distinct individual namespaces, you can enhance your CSS scalability.
Some of these namespaces include:
o-: Indicates an Object class that may be used in multiple contexts, so modifications could have widespread impacts.
c-: Identifies a Component class with specific UI elements, where changes should only affect the current context.
u-: Represents a Utility class that serves a particular function and can be reused without being tied to a specific UI element.
t-: Designates a Theme class responsible for styling certain views.
s-: Introduces a Scope class for creating new styling contexts, which should be used cautiously.
is-, has-: These classes indicate the current state of a UI element and are inspired by SMACSS.
_: Is used for "hack" classes when necessary but should be viewed as temporary.
js-: Identifies classes that serve as hooks for JavaScript behavior.
qa-: Indicates classes reserved for automated UI testing purposes.
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