Is there a way to determine the number of options required for a select tag to become scrollable?

Please review these two <select> elements:



Upon observation, the first select box is fixed, while the second is scrollable. Therefore, if I include multiple <option> elements in a <select>, it automatically becomes scrollable.

I am seeking ways to limit this auto-scroll feature by reducing the number of displayed <option>. For instance, can I configure a <select> with only 7 options to display a scrollbar? Is this achievable through JavaScript?

I attempted wrapping the <select> within a <div> and setting its height restriction, but no changes occurred.

Answer №1


z-index: 1;
<div class="holder">
  <select onfocus='this.size=5;' 
onchange='this.size=1; this.blur();'>

<h1>Random text</h1>

It may not be the most direct approach, but you have the option to adjust the size using onfocus and then return it to 1 when losing focus.

Take a look at the code provided, simply modify onfocus='this.size=5;' to set the desired size.


Rory made a valid point in the comments that I overlooked initially.

This method could disrupt the layout as the increased height of the select element would impact neighboring elements' positioning

To address this issue, consider setting the select list's position to absolute and adding a z-index to ensure it remains above other content. Refer to the revised code snippet for implementation.

Answer №2

Implementing onfocus attribute for select element


can be used to dynamically adjust the height of the select dropdown. For instance,


in this case, the value '10' represents the number of options visible at once. If the total options exceed 10, a scroll bar will automatically appear.

Answer №3

Not the exact solution, but you could use the attribute size="5" for a similar effect.

<select size="5">


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