I am currently working on customizing the appearance of the dropdown panel for my MUI select component. My goal is to achieve a design similar to this: Desired show/hide columns example
To accomplish this, I have implemented specific styles within the MuiList section of my ThemeManager:
MuiList: {
styleOverrides: {
root: {
'backgroundColor': 'var(--main-color)',
'color': 'var(--text-color-light)',
'border-width': 'none !important',
'& .Mui-selected': {
backgroundColor: '#dddddd !important',
'color': 'var(--primary-color-hover) !important',
borderBottom: '1px solid #26586B',
'&:hover': {
backgroundColor: 'var(--main-color) !important',
color: 'var(--primary-color-hover) !important',
However, these modifications are unintentionally affecting other MUI components, such as the "Show/Hide Columns" panel in a data table, resulting in a different look like so: Custom dropdown style The issue arises from the inability to assign a unique id or className to the dynamically generated dropdown panel by MUI. Consequently, the ThemeManager styles are being applied across both the select dropdown and other components, like the columns panel, which was not intended.
As a result, the columns panel ends up appearing incorrectly styled with the ThemeManager styles, deviating from the desired outcome: Incorrectly styled show/hide all panel
Is there a way to apply styling exclusively to the select dropdown without impacting other MUI components, such as the show/hide columns panel?