Is there a way to confine a jquery script within the dimensions of the container div?

I have recently created a gallery with navigation buttons in jQuery. As a newcomer to jQuery, I wrote a small script that adjusts the margin of a div container by a fixed amount. The script is functioning properly, but it extends beyond the top and bottom edges of the div content. While I could set a specific size for the div, my goal is to use this on multiple pages with varying amounts of content. How can I ensure that the button function does not exceed the boundaries of the content inside the div?

 $('.scrolltdup').click(function(event) {
    marginTop: "+=160px"
  }, "fast");

$('.scrolltddown').click(function(event) {
    marginTop: "-=160px"
  }, "fast");

I have created a jsfiddle showcasing the page content. Any assistance would be highly appreciated. This project marks my first attempt at building a website from scratch using HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery; it's been a learning journey. :)

Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

To improve the functionality, simply include some if statements:

Check out the updated demo here:

$('.scrolltdup').click(function(event) {
    if (parseInt($('.wrap').css('margin-top')) < 0) {
            marginTop: "+=160px"
        }, "fast");

$('.scrolltddown').click(function(event) {
    if (parseInt($('.wrap').css('margin-top')) > -($('.wrap').height() - 160)) {
            marginTop: "-=160px"
        }, "fast");

Answer №2

The container displays 3 visible boxes in a fixed shape at once, allowing you to determine the number of sets of 3 with the formula

var totalRows = Math.max( $(".box").length / 3 )

By calculating the maximum marginTop value before reaching the end of the projects, you can test this value before animating. One way to achieve this is by setting the maxScroll and minScroll values to the highest and lowest marginTop on page load, and then inserting a ternary operator into your animate code.

Replace marginTop: "+=160px"


marginTop: "+=" + ( $(".wrap").css( "margin-top" ) > maxScroll ? "0px" : "160px"

And apply the same logic for marginTop: "-=160px".

Answer №3

When considering each row containing two divs with the class 'box', the following code is a functional solution for finding the maximum height between the two divs and animating accordingly:

let presentRow = 1;
function getHeight(elem1, elem2){
  return Math.max($(elem1).outerHeight(), $(elem2).outerHeight()) + 10;

$('.scrolltdup').click(function(event) {

      let height = getHeight($(".wrap .box:nth-child(" + presentRow + ")"), $(".wrap .box:nth-child(" + (presentRow + 1) + ")")); 
        marginTop: "+=" + height + "px"
      }, "fast", function(){
          presentRow = presentRow - 2;

   $('.scrolltddown').click(function(event) {

      let height = getHeight($(".wrap .box:nth-child(" + presentRow + ")"), $(".wrap .box:nth-child(" + (presentRow + 1) + ")")); 
        marginTop: "-=" + height + "px"
      }, "fast", function(){
          presentRow = presentRow + 2;

To add validation, you can check the value of the presentRow variable.

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