Is there a way to collapse child elements in a hover sidebar using Vuetify?

My project includes a sidebar that opens when I hover over it with the mouse. Everything works fine, but within the sidebar, there is a collapse dropdown menu. When I open this menu and then move the mouse away from the sidebar and back again, the collapse remains open. You can see this more clearly in the screenshots. What I want is for there to be no space between the icons when the sidebar is closed.

Template sidebar

<v-navigation-drawer width="320" :disable-resize-watcher="true">
      <v-list v-if="userRole == 'Distributor' || isSuper">
          v-for="(item, index) in distMenu"
            'active-sidebar-item': item.href.includes(activeLinkRef),
          style="margin-bottom: 5px;"
            <v-icon>{{ item.icon }}</v-icon>
              <router-link :to="item.href">{{
      <v-list v-if="userRole == 'Sysadmin' && !isSuper">
          v-for="(item, index) in sysMenu"
            'active-sidebar-item': item.href.includes(activeLinkRef),
          style="margin-bottom: 5px;"
            <v-icon>{{ item.icon }}</v-icon>
              <router-link :to="item.href">{{
      <v-list v-if="userRole != 'Distributor' || isSuper">
          v-for="(item, index) in menu"
            'active-sidebar-item': item.href.includes(activeLinkRef),
          style="margin-bottom: 5px;"
            <v-icon>{{ item.icon }}</v-icon>
            <router-link :to="item.href">{{ item.title }}</router-link>
            (userRole.toLowerCase() != 'distributor' && hasCompany) ||


      v-for="(facility, index) in facilities"
          activeLinkRef[0] == 'facility' && activeLinkRef[1] ==,
      style="margin-bottom: 5px"
      <template v-slot:activator>
        <v-list-tile :append="true">
          <router-link :to="'/facility/' +">{{
        :systems=" > 0 ? : []"
      v-if="isSuper || userRole.toLowerCase() == 'sysadmin'"
        style="padding-left: 54px; height: 40px"
        <!-- <input
          style="border: 1px solid #dedede"
        /> -->
          style="border: 1px solid #dedede"
      <v-list-tile-action style="justify-content: right;">
        <v-icon @click="addFacility">add</v-icon>

When the mouse is not over the sidebar

After opening the sidebar, everything seems to work correctly.

However, once I move the mouse away from the sidebar, it closes and shows this image

Answer №1

Start by hiding your collapse menus.

Define a new class like this:

.show-menu {
   display: block;

To handle the click event, you can use this jQuery code:


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