Is there a way to break on a hyphen instead of breaking on the last letter?

Is there a way to make the browser wrap on hyphens instead of cutting off the last letter on a line?

I haven't noticed any difference between word-break and word-wrap.

Check out this live example:

<div style="word-break:break-normal;font-size:14px;width:109px;">
    Members-Only Menu

Currently, it looks like this:

y Menu

But I need it to look like this:

Only Menu

Any suggestions on how to achieve that?

Answer №1

Check out the CSS attributes for handling line breaks - word-wrap, word-break, and white-space, as well as the use of the <wbr/> tag.

Answer №2

If you want the words to only break at the hyphen, you can use the CSS property hyphens: manual. It's important to note that this property is not supported in Chrome, Android browser, or versions of IE prior to 10.

For additional information on this topic, check out this resource.

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