Is there a way to automate testing for my web application bundled with webpack against FUOC?

After creating a React + Redux web app bundled with webpack, I encountered a bundling error that caused my website to display flash of unstyled content (FUOC) behavior. Certain components did not inject their CSS into the server response, resulting in parts of the application appearing unstyled before the final CSS loaded. Additionally, third-party components also experienced FUOC, requiring manual intervention. While I have automated tests for the server and various web components, I am unsure how to automatically test for FOUC within my node.js toolchain. Selenium and PhantomJS seem like potential options, but may be overkill. Furthermore, detecting FOUC remains a challenge.

Answer №1

To prevent FOUC, I ensure that elements affected by it are only displayed once their CSS has fully loaded. One simple way to achieve this is by applying a temporary styling rule to the entire body element like so:

body {
    opacity: 0;

Later in the CSS file or when loading a component, the visibility can then be set back to normal as shown below:

body {

This approach effectively hides the elements during rendering while they are still being processed. By working backwards from this point, one can create a unit test to check for visibility or other important CSS properties before the element becomes visible. The key is to ensure these tests are conducted at each stage of the rendering process.

// Test for FOUC: load component and check for no visiblity ...    

 * Load component/element CSS here and then... 

// Check for visibility or other CSS properties after loading ...

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