I designed a component that includes the following code:
style="opacity: 1 !important"
However, I discovered that the opacity was not changing as expected. Upon inspecting the element, I observed that it was rendered in the following structure:
<div class="v-input foo ..."> <!-- fallthrough attrs are applied here -->
<div class="v-input__control">
<div class="v-field ...">
<div class="v-field__overlay">...</div>
<div class="v-field__loader">...</div>
<div class="v-field__field">...</div>
<div class="v-field__outline ...">...</div>
The CSS for the v-field__outline class is defined as follows:
.v-field__outline {
--v-field-border-opacity: 0.38;
I am looking to adjust this opacity value. Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve this in an efficient manner?