Is there a way for me to choose all the classNames that conclude with a specific word within the MUI sx property?

I am currently working with MUI and I have a need to modify certain properties that are prefixed with random IDs. How can I target, for instance, the first one using:

'& endsWith(MuiAccordionDetails-root)'

I wish to achieve this because these random IDs are frequently changing

 const Styles = {
  '& .css-15v22id-MuiAccordionDetails-root':{
  '& .css-10gwilr-MuiButtonBase-root-MuiAccordionSummary-root':{
    px: '10px',
  '& .MuiCollapse-root':{


Answer №1

When working with Mui elements, each element has its own unique classNames like

MuiCollapse-root MuiCollapse-vertical MuiCollapse-entered css-c4sutr
. These class names are changed in each render, separate from main class names as shown above, allowing you to target specific elements using the following syntax:

const Styles = {
  accordion: {
    p: 0,
    "& .MuiAccordionDetails-root": {
      p: 0
    "& .MuiButtonBase-root- .MuiAccordionSummary-root": {
      px: "10px"
    "& .MuiCollapse-root": {
      mx: "20px"

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