Is there a method to track the progress of webpage loading?

I am working on a website built with static HTML pages. My goal is to implement a full-screen loading status complete with a progress bar that indicates the page's load progress, including all images and external assets. Once the page has fully loaded, the loading screen will disappear, revealing the content to the user.

Although I have successfully detected when the page has completed loading by using the 'load' event listener on the window object, I am facing challenges in getting the progress bar to display as expected. I aim to show the progress in percentage format, which requires me to calculate the overall size of the page including all assets and monitor the resources being transferred so I can convert it into a percentage value.

After conducting some research, I have found that there isn't a simple solution for this task. However, I have noticed many websites implementing similar progress bar loading animations.

My question now is: How can I achieve a similar effect on my website? I want to provide users with a visual representation of the loading progress in percentage as they wait for the page to load.

Answer №1

Here is one potential method to achieve this on a static page without resorting to deception

Adjustments can be made as needed. For instance, if I reach 81%, I use a timeout to display the content regardless.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en>

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Page Loading Progress</title>
  <!-- Bootstrap CSS -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" onload="updateProgress()">
  <!-- Additional CSS links here -->
    .image-column {
      column-count: 2;
    img {
      width: 100%;
      margin-bottom: 10px;
    let loadCounter = 0;
    let totalElements = 16;
    const updateProgress = () => {
      const progress = (loadCounter / totalElements) * 100;
      const progressBar = document.getElementById('progressBar'); = progress + '%';
      progressBar.textContent = Math.round(progress) + '%';

      if (progress === 100) {
        document.querySelector('.progress').hidden = true;
        document.querySelector('main').hidden = false;
    setTimeout(() => {
      document.querySelector('.progress').hidden = true;
      document.querySelector('main').hidden = false;

    <div class="progress">
      <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" style="width: 0%;" id="progressBar">0%</div>

  <main hidden>
    <div class="image-column">
      <!-- 10 Images from Lorem Pixel -->
      <img src="" onload="updateProgress()">
      <img src="" onload="updateProgress()">
      <img src="" onload="updateProgress()">
      <img src="" onload="updateProgress()">
      <img src="" onload="updateProgress()">
      <img src="" onload="updateProgress()">
      <img src="" onload="updateProgress()">
      <img src="" onload="updateProgress()">
      <img src="" onload="updateProgress()">
      <img src="" onload="updateProgress()">

  <!-- jQuery and Bootstrap JS -->
  <script src="" onload="updateProgress()"></script>
  <script src="" onload="updateProgress()"></script>

    // totalElements = document.querySelectorAll('script, link, img').length;


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