Is there a method in CSS to ensure that an element's size is consistently a multiple of a specific integer?

I'm currently trying to find a solution for an element that needs to expand based on varying child dimensions. My initial thought was to achieve this using modulus and calc(), but since modulus isn't available, I need help figuring out how to implement it. This is for a React project, so JavaScript is an option, although achieving it through CSS would be preferable.

For example, let's say I have an element with children that total 175 pixels in width, but I want it to round up to 180px.

Answer №1

To achieve this, one option is to adjust the padding on the parent element in the following way:

Check out this CodeSandbox example that demonstrates the concept:

Even if the child element has varying widths, the parent element will consistently maintain the desired spacing. Does this address your inquiry?

An alternative approach is to utilize max-width to establish an upper limit on the width of certain elements.

Answer №2

Consider utilizing REM and EM measurements. By default, one rem is equivalent to 16px.

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