Is there a better method to determine the width when utilizing the jQuery UI resizable feature for improved efficiency?

I'm currently working on a website that features a resizable sidebar. I want the icons and text within the sidebar to shrink proportionally when the user resizes it. Right now, I have implemented an if statement to check if the sidebar's width falls below a certain threshold. However, I've noticed significant strain on Chrome in my Mac's Activity Monitor when continuously resizing the sidebar. Although my solution works, I'm curious if there's a more efficient approach. Here's the code snippet I'm using:


<div id = "home_left">
    <a href="#"><img src="images/image1.jpg" id = "profile_picture"/></a>
    <p id = "profile_username">username</p>
    <div class = "icon_container">
        <a href="#"><img src="images/image2.png" class = "profile_icons"/></a>
    <div class = "icon_container">
        <a href="#"><img src="images/image3.png" class = "profile_icons"/></a>
    <div class = "icon_container">
        <a href="#"><img src="images/image4.png" class = "profile_icons"/></a>


    // Making the left sidebar resizable
        handles: "e",
        maxWidth: $("#home_left").width(),
        minWidth: 100,
        resize: function() {
            //Adjusting profile picture width
            $("#profile_picture").width($("#home_left").width() - 24);

            //Handling username and icons appearance
            if($("#home_left").width() < 200) {
            else {


The Fiddle doesn't exhibit high CPU usage as there are no images being resized, but you can still observe increased browser strain. Is this just a jQuery UI trait or am I inefficiently handling something?

Answer №1

By exploring the features of the Resizable Widget API, you'll discover that it offers the ability to bind callbacks not just for the continuous resize event, but also for the specific start and stop events.

If you find that the constant resizing is causing strain on your sidebar UI, consider listening for these additional events to trigger responses only at the beginning and end of a resize operation.

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