I recently found this amazing animated accordion menu on the W3 Schools website and I really appreciate its design. However, I am struggling to figure out how to set a specific section to be open and "active" by default.
I attempted changing the class of the button to "active," but that didn't seem to work as expected. It only changed the "+" sign to a "-" sign without displaying the menu content.
Any suggestions on how to achieve this?
<div id="accordion_menu">
<button class="accordion">What You Will Learn</button>
<div class="panel scrolled">
<li>Fundamental algorithms for signal processing.</li>
<li>Techniques for beam forming.</li>
<li>Trade-offs among active waveform designs.</li>
<li>Ocean medium effects.</li>
<li>Shallow water effects and issues</li>
<li>Optimal and adaptive processing</li>
<button class="accordion">Course Outline</button>
<div class="panel">
<p><em>Introduction to Sonar Signal Processing.</em> Introduction to sonar detection systems and types of signal processing performed in sonar. Correlation processing, Fournier analysis, windowing, and ambiguity functions. Evaluation of probability of detection and false alarm rate for FFT and broadband signal processors. </p>
<p><em>Beamforming and Array Processing.</em> Beam patterns for sonar arrays, shading techniques for sidelobe control, beamformer implementation. Calculation of DI and array gain in directional noise fields. </p>
<p><em>Passive Sonar Signal Processing.</em> Review of signal characteristics, ambient noise, and platform noise. Passive system configurations and implementations. Spectral analysis and integration. </p>
<p><em>Active Sonar Signal Processing.</em> Waveform selection and ambiguity functions. Projector configurations. Reverberation and multipath effects. Receiver design. </p>
<p><em>Passive and Active Designs and Implementations.</em>Advanced techniques for beamforming, detection, estimation, and classification will be explored. Optimal array processing. Data adaptive methods, super resolution spectral techniques, time-frequency representations and active/passive automated classification are among the advanced techniques that will be covered.</p>
<p><em>Advanced Signal Processing Techniques.</em>Advanced techniques for beamforming, detection, estimation, and classification will be explored. Optimal array processing. Data adaptive methods, super resolution spectral techniques, time-frequency representations and active/passive automated classification are among the advanced techniques that will be covered. </p>
<button class="accordion">Tuition</button>
<div class="panel">
<p>The tuition for this three-day course is $1890 per person at one of our scheduled public courses. Onsite pricing is available. For more information or to register, please contact us at 410-956-8805 or send an email to <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="82e3f6ebc2e3f6ebe1edf7f0f1e7f1ace1edef">[email protected]</a>.</p>
<p><a href="https://www.aticourses.com/beta_mobile/register_secure.html">Register Now Without Obligation</a></p>