Is the div empty? Maybe jQuery knows the answer

I currently have a <div id="slideshow"> element on my website. This div is fully populated in the index.php file, but empty in all other pages (since it's a Joomla module). When the div is full, everything works fine. However, when it's empty, I need to change a CSS property of the next div (

<div id="slideshow">...</div><section>....</section>
). I've tried using the following code:

            alert($("div#slideshow").text() == "");

The result on all pages shows: False , False. Why false for all? p.s. By "empty" I mean this:

<div id="slideshow"></div>
. Thank you for your assistance.

I now realize where I went wrong. While inspecting with Chrome, the

<div id="slideshow"></div>
appeared to be truly empty, but copying it as HTML revealed:

<div id="slideshow">


So it's not actually empty! Now I'm left wondering, how should I proceed?

Answer №1

This specific element contains the code != "", which indicates it is not equal to an empty string, however, the content inside is indeed empty:

<figure> </figure>

Answer №2

One approach could be to eliminate any extra whitespaces before checking for an empty string.

if($.trim( $('#slideshow').text() ) == ''){
    // Your code here

Answer №3

Attempt using $("div#slideshow").html()

According to, in an HTML document, .html() allows you to retrieve the contents of any element. states that the .text() method yields a string that encompasses the combined text from all matched elements.

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