Is my JQuery width() function giving incorrect value results?

Currently, I am facing a situation similar to the following:

We have two popup windows that are quite alike. These popups are generated by a factory in JavaScript, allowing them to share common events and functions. One such function is our custom resize function called resizeFormRowService, which is triggered when the browser's window fires the resize event.

Since the popup window follows a structure like this (repeating elements):

<div class="row">
    <div> //label </div>
    <div> //data  </div>

The resizeFormRowService function first calculates the width of the parent div with the class row. It then sets the width of its first child div (the label) to a fixed value (e.g., 140px), and adjusts the second child div's width to be "parent width - first child width." All of this is achieved using JQuery, as shown below:

I noticed an unusual behavior on one of the popups in Chrome, while comparing it to another identical popup.

The calculated width of the second child div (containing data) in one popup was 5px larger than the corresponding field in the other popup. To investigate this further, I logged some information within the resizeFormRowService function.

By running the following code on both popups, one log outputted 270px, while the other outputted 265px:

(JavaScript code snippet for reference)

StandardTemplatePopup.prototype.resizeFormRowService = function () {
  // Function logic here...

The disparity in widths led me to check if the row contents were being altered by any scripts within the first popup. Surprisingly, that was not the case.

To visually illustrate the issue:

First Popup (Image Link)

Second Popup (Image Link)

Although the parent row widths were exactly the same, the discrepancy in the calculated width of the second child div was puzzling. This contradicted what I had observed through logging in the resizeFormRowService function!

Hence, my query is: Are there any known issues with JQuery's width() method that could explain this inconsistency? If not, any insights or advice regarding the potential cause of the problem would be greatly appreciated.


A noteworthy observation from one of my colleagues through trial and error was that adding an empty div at the end of the first popup window resolved the sizing issue:

<div class="col-xs-12">&nbsp;</div>

Subsequently, both popup windows resized correctly.

Note: The smaller result (265px) aligns with expectations and is considered correct.

Note: The height variation in the images can be attributed to the miscalculated width of the second child div, causing the content to overflow and increase the height accordingly.

Answer №1

Instead of adding this as a comment, I'll provide my input in the form of an answer.

In my opinion, it appears that your calculations may be too speedy and not adhering to any predetermined values. If you were to introduce something like a CSS transition, it would likely throw off the entire process. From my perspective as a front-end developer, I would approach coding it differently, such as:

$rows.each(function () {
  var $this = $(this);
  var $firstDiv = $this.find('div:first');
  var $secondDiv = $this.find('div:nth-child(2)');
  var labelColWidth = self.options('labelColWidth');

  // Assign labelColWidth to ensure consistency in popup firstDiv's width
  // It seems to me that the issue lies with $this.width()

  // Added for identification purposes
  // Log the width of this row

  // Why calculate $firstDiv.width again when labelColWidth is available?
  // Avoid using generic names like "width" to prevent conflicts
  var newWidth = $this.width() - labelColWidth - 0.5;

-- A quick note: Selectors such as div:first and div:nth-child(2) can become problematic if you start using pseudo-selectors like :after or :before. It's advisable to utilize classes instead of direct selectors.

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