Is it wise to use the<sup>attribute for mandatory form fields?

Would it be wise to utilize the <sup> tag instead of using margin-top: -xnumberofpx for indicating required fields in a form?

<label for="address1" required>Address line 1<sup><img src="/src/images/requiredAsterix.png" width="10" height="10" alt="Required!" /><sup></label>
<input type="text" id="address1" name="address1" size="50" ng-maxlength="50" required> 

Answer №1

  1. Using the sup element in this context is completely appropriate, as it adheres to its intended purpose of indicating superscript elements.

  2. Utilizing an image with an alt="required" attribute is a good practice for providing alternative descriptions for users who do not use screenreaders. However, relying solely on the required attribute may not be sufficient for non-screenreader users without additional support.

  3. Make sure to remove the required attribute from the label element and properly close your sup tag.

  4. The contrast level in the input box does not meet WCAG requirements for contrast.

  5. The alternative text "Address line 1" may not be clear enough on its own, but the surrounding context could provide clarification.

Answer №2

Adding additional information to a label can be helpful in clarifying the associated input field. For example, the HTML specification demonstrates using the <small /> element to indicate the expected format to users.

<label>Email Address: <input type="email"> <small>Format:</small></label>

Answer №3

When it comes to accessibility, having both alt="required" and the HTML attribute required on an input field is unnecessary duplication that can confuse screen readers. Instead, consider leaving the alt="" attribute on the image for a more streamlined experience.

By the way, just a heads up - although it seems like a mistake, the required attribute should not be used with the <label> tag according to standard HTML practices.

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