Is it true that nested CSS IDs function correctly in Firefox, but not in IE8?

My HTML is structured like this:

<div id="content">
    <div id="asection">
        <h1>Some Text</h1>

The CSS properties I'm using are as follows:

h1 {

#asection {

#content {
height:1%; overflow:hidden; 

This setup works correctly in most browsers, except for Internet Explorer 7/8.

I'm still learning about CSS and browser compatibility, so any additional feedback or expertise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

EDIT: I added a property

#asection .h1 {} 

and copied the same styles from the original h1 declaration, which resolved the issue. I also fixed a typo where I mistakenly used h7 instead of h1, that was my error when trying to keep my markup generic.

Answer №1

Avoid using the period before h1, instead, add a space before h1. The period indicates a class, so unless you have a class named h1 like class="h1", it will not work as intended.

If you want to target the h1 within #asection, use this code:

#asection h1 {} 

Answer №2

#asection .h1 {}

When using the period before h1, you are targeting a class named "h1" instead of the element itself. To target the h1 element directly, simply write it without any prefix.

This code snippet should function identically in both Firefox and IE8, without any variations in behavior.

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