While working on generating HTML to be passed back from a REST method, I encountered the following code snippet:
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append("<div class=\"row\">");
builder.Append("<div class=\"col-md-6\">");
builder.Append("<div class=\"bottomleft\">");
// TODO: Replace the hardcoded val ("$9,814.81") with the actual val
builder.Append("<h2 class=\"sectiontext\">Forecasted Spend - $9,814.81</h2>");
(initial HTML structure has been set up before this). Subsequently, live data is added as shown below:
builder.Append("<th>Item Code</th>");
builder.Append("<th class=\"rightjustifytext\">Last Week's Usage</th>");
builder.Append("<th class=\"rightjustifytext\">This Week's Price</th>");
builder.Append("<th class=\"rightjustifytext\">Forecasted Spend</th>");
decimal forecastedSpend;
int lastWeeksUsage;
int loopCount = 0;
int totalUsage = 0;
decimal totalForecastedSpend = 0.0M;
foreach (DataRow dr in dtViewPriceMatrixVarianceResults.Rows)
// Data rows are dynamically generated here
(The totals are calculated and added at the end) The final step involves closing the elements and returning the prepared HTML content within the StringBuilder:
return builder.ToString();
The challenge arises when trying to replace the placeholder value "$9,814.81" with the actual figure of totalForecastedSpend, which is determined during the population of the table rows with live data. While a workaround involving storing values in a generic list and utilizing them later works, I am exploring alternative solutions using HTML or CSS. Is there a way to achieve this? Or would adopting such an approach be detrimental?
The related REST method is defined as follows:
public HttpResponseMessage GetQuadrantData(string unit, string begdate, string enddate)
// Implementation logic for assembling HTML content
Can the issue of replacing the placeholder value with the actual totalForecastedSpend be addressed through HTML/CSS manipulation, or should another strategy be pursued?
Although the initial question remains unresolved, implementing a solution involving pre-calculating values and storing them in a list proves to be effective:
A dedicated class is created:
public class ForecastedSpend
public String ItemCode { get; set; }
public int LastWeeksUsage { get; set; }
public Decimal Price { get; set; }
public Decimal ForecastedSpendCalcd { get; set; }
The earlier code segment is replaced with:
// Pre-calculation and storage logic using ForecastedSpend class
// Table row generation based on stored values
This revised approach successfully handles the scenario.