Try this:
If you're unsure about the format of these "links" and have access to them, there are a couple of ways you can utilize.
Utilize the HTML and any variation of the following Javascripts (JS)
<iframe id="myFrameID" src="" width="0px" height="0px" style="display:hidden;visibility: hidden"></iframe>
<div id="myPageViewerDIV"></div>
JS with selectors
$('a[href="formatoflinkhere"]').click(function () {
$("#myFrameID").attr("src", $("a:focus").attr("href"));
$("#myFrameID").bind('load', function() { $("#myPageViewerDIV").html($("#myFrameID").contentDocument); });
return false;
JS with any links
$('a').click(function () {
$("#myFrameID").attr("src", $("a:focus").attr("href"));
$("#myFrameID").bind('load', function() { $("#myPageViewerDIV").html($("#myFrameID").contentDocument); });
return false;
JS with any links but ids (the hash symbol)
$('a[href!=#]').click(function () {
$("#myFrameID").attr("src", $("a:focus").attr("href"));
$("#myFrameID").bind('load', function() { $("#myPageViewerDIV").html($("#myFrameID").contentDocument); });
return false;
You or other users can build upon this concept ^^/'
What this accomplishes:
- Generates a concealed IFrame
- Binds All Links (or similar types) with the onclick event handler
(does not allow browsing to the link)
- Loads the link into the source
- Binds to the onloaded event of the iframe
- Copies the root document of the iframe to the chosen dive...
Not tested, should work theoretically.