Is it possible to share a point array or shape between SVG shapes? Can CSS be used to define an SVG shape?

I've scoured the internet looking for a solution to my problem, but nothing seems to work. Is it possible to have multiple SVG shapes share their shape by defining it in one central location? From what I've researched, it looks like SVG shapes can only be defined inline.

For instance:

<svg class="star" width="12cm" height="4cm" viewBox="0 0 1200 400">
<polygon fill="lime" stroke="blue" stroke-width="10" 
        points="850,75  958,137.5 958,262.5 850,325 742,262.6 742,137.5" />
//same shape
<svg class="star" width="12cm" height="4cm" viewBox="0 0 1200 400">
<polygon fill="lime" stroke="blue" stroke-width="10" 
        points="850,75  958,137.5 958,262.5 850,325 742,262.6 742,137.5" />

There are many drawbacks to inline definitions like this that I won't even bother listing.

What I'd really like is to do something along these lines:

<svg class="star"><polygon /></svg><br>
<svg class="star"><polygon /></svg><br>
<svg class="star"><polygon /></svg><br>
<svg class="star"><polygon /></svg><br>
<svg class="star"><polygon /></svg><br>
<svg class="star"><polygon /></svg><br>

And then have all the shapes defined in one place, like so.

.star {
  width: 12cm;
  height: 4cm; 
  viewBox: 0 0 1200 400;

.star polygon {
  fill: lime; 
  stroke: blue; 
  stroke-width: 10px; 
  points: [850,75  958,137.5 958,262.5 850,325 742,262.6 742,137.5];
   //I've tried quotes, no quotes, quotes around the numbers.

However, despite my attempts and research, nothing has worked so far. I haven't come across any examples or resources that offer alternative methods to defining the points inline.

There must be a more efficient way! Or maybe I just haven't found the correct syntax.

EDIT: The closest thing I've found is this resource on SVG patterns.

Answer №1

Achieving multiple SVGs that share items, such as points or entire image, is definitely possible. One effective technique to accomplish this is using the "use" statement within the SVG code.

To implement this on your page, you can start by adding something similar to the following at the beginning of the body section:

<svg class="star">
  <polygon id="poly1" fill="lime" stroke="blue" stroke-width="10"
   points="850,75  958,137.5 958,262.5 850,325 742,262.6 742,137.5" />

After defining the item in the SVG, you can then insert it into the desired location using the following statement:

<svg class="star" viewBox="0 0 1200 400">
 <use xlink:href="#poly1"></use>

If you want to include two instances of the same item, simply repeat the use statement within separate SVG containers:

<svg class="star" viewBox="0 0 1200 400">
 <use xlink:href="#poly1"></use>
<svg class="star" viewBox="0 0 1200 400">
 <use xlink:href="#poly1"></use>

Answer №2

In order to adjust the size of the SVG container using CSS and populate the points in an array or object with JavaScript or JQuery, you can experiment with the demonstration to see if it meets your needs.

$(document).ready(function() {
  var star = $('.star').find('polygon');
  var blob = $('.blob').find('polygon');

  var starObj = {
    points: '850,75  958,137.5 958,262.5 850,325 742,262.6 742,137.5',
    fill: 'lime',
    stroke: 'blue',
    strokeWidth: 10

  var blobObj = {
    points: '800,75  900,137.5 958,262.5 700,325 742,262.6 742,137.5',
    fill: 'lime',
    stroke: 'blue',
    strokeWidth: 50

    'points': starObj.points,
    'fill': starObj.fill,
    'stroke': starObj.stroke,
    'stroke-width': starObj.strokeWidth
    'points': blobObj.points,
    'fill': blobObj.fill,
    'stroke': blobObj.stroke,
    'stroke-width': blobObj.strokeWidth
.star {
  width: 150px;
  height: 100px;
.blob {
  width: 100px;
  height: 50px;
<script src=""></script>
<svg class="star" viewBox="0 0 1200 400">
  <polygon fill="lime" stroke="blue" stroke-width="10" />

<svg class="blob" viewBox="0 0 1200 400">
  <polygon fill="lime" stroke="blue" stroke-width="10" />

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