Is it possible to set a minimum width for browser resizing?

Looking at the image provided, I'm doing a comparison of the minimum resizable widths between my website and GitHub's. Is there a way to enforce a minimum width limit on my website similar to GitHub's?

I've already attempted to add the following code to the CSS file for the page:

body {
    min-width: 600px; 
    width: auto !important;
    width: 600px; 

Unfortunately, despite implementing this code, there doesn't seem to be any change as my browser can still resize below the 600px threshold.

UPDATE: The current solutions suggested have not been successful in resolving the issue.

Answer №1

If you're using Chrome, open devtools and look for the following icon:

Once you find it, click on responsive and adjust the browser size to your preference.

To prevent users from resizing, use the following code snippet:

var size = [window.width, window.height];  //public variable

    window.resizeTo(size[0], size[1]);
<script src=""></script>

Please note that this code may not work in this snippet due to it being in an iframe, but it should work in your application (which requires JQuery).

Answer №2

The use of the !important declaration for the width style overrides any other width styles, rendering them redundant and essentially useless. Please keep in mind that if the content exceeds the minimum width specified, the min-width property will not have any impact.

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