Is It Possible to Run Javascript Code Based on a Specific Screen Size?

Here is the Javascript code I'm currently using to control the mobile menu functionality on my website. It prevents content outside of the menu from scrolling when the mobile menu is open and closes the menu when an item inside it is clicked.

document.getElementById('cp_toggle03').onchange = function() {
 if (document.getElementById('cp_toggle03').checked) { = "hidden";
  } else { = "";


var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
var closeHamp = function() {

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
 elements[i].addEventListener('click', closeHamp, false);

I am looking for a way to restrict this code to run only on specific screen sizes. I attempted to use the following Javascript to achieve that but encountered issues in getting it to work properly.

function execute(){
   if(screen.width <= 768) {

If you have any suggestions on how I could modify this code to target a particular screen size effectively, please feel free to share your insights with me.

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Answer №1

One effective approach is to utilize a mix of JavaScript and the window.matchMedia method. By leveraging this method, you can set up a listener to detect screen size adjustments and selectively trigger specific actions based on predefined conditions.

Answer №2

Perhaps what you're seeking is document.body.clientWidth, which denotes the body tag's size (excluding borders, but including padding). The screen variable you mentioned reflects the actual screen width (e.g: 1920), so it remains constant even when the browser is resized.

Answer №3

The `Window` object available in JavaScript offers substantial capabilities. To access the width of your viewport minus the URL bar, you can utilize `window.innerWidth`.

When called, this method provides a `number` representing the width of the current viewport in pixels. Similarly, `window.innerHeight` gives the height.

For further details, check out the MDN link for window.innerWidth

To handle orientation changes from Portrait to Landscape, consider incorporating the 'onresize' event like this:

// window.addEventListener('onresize', method()); would also work, with "method" representing your logic

window.onresize = () => {
    if (window.innerWidth <= 768) {// switch to tablet sizes
        // code for mobile devices here

Answer №4

Check out the js library that enables dynamic responses to media queries.

An example of how it can be used:

    var matched = undefined;

    enquire.register("screen and (max-width:768px)", {
        match : function() {
            matched = true;
        unmatch : function() {
            matched = false;
    function execute(){
       if(matched) {
            //perform certain actions
        } else {
            //perform other actions

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